Full name:
Lavrova Elena



Professional field/official position/biography:

Judge of the Moscow City Court

Accused of:

Carrying out political repression using her official position.

There is not much information about the biography of judge Lavrova in open sources. However, she took part in some high-profile political trials.

On September 10, 2019, she upheld the sentence to Kirill Zhukov (three years in a penal colony), accused of having raised the visor on the helmet of the policeman on a rally on July 27, 2019, thereby “causing him physical pain.” At the same time, judge Lavrova refused to attach the helmet inspection report and interrogate the participants in the investigative experiment, which was carried out to establish whether the officer could feel “physical pain” from touching the visor. She did not take into account the testimony of the “victim” himself, who claimed that he regarded Zhukov’s actions as drawing attention and asked to give him a “second chance.”

On October 9, 2019, Lavrova, having examined the appeal against the verdict to Ivan Podkopayev, who was accused of spraying gas from a gas spray on a rally on July 27, reduced his sentence from three to two years in a general colony.

On October 4, 2019, Lavrova, as part of a panel of judges, refused to satisfy the appeal against the verdict of the Tverskoy court in the case of the former head of Vladivostok Igor Pushkaryov, the former director of the Vladivostok Roads Municipal Unitary Enterprise Andrei Lushnikov, and the former head of the Vostokcement Group Andrei Pushkarev. Igor Pushkarev was accused of receiving bribes from his brother while being the mayor of Vladivostok. His brother headed the company, previously owned by Igor Pushkarev himself. At the same time, lawyers drew the attention of the court to illegal wiretapping, inaccuracies, inconsistencies in dates, illegal searches, making unauthorized copies, and the expiration of execution deadlines for several documents.

Links and materials

Судья Лаврова Елена Львовна на сайте Право.ру

Суд отказался смягчить приговор Кириллу Жукову, поднявшему забрало на шлеме росгвардейца на акции 27 июля

Все это дело — сплошное сомнение. Мосгорсуд оставил в силе приговор Кириллу Жукову — три года колонии за взмах рукой у шлема росгвардейца. Репортаж Кристины Сафоновой

«Московское дело». Третий день апелляции на приговор Ивану Подкопаеву

Фигуранту «московского дела» снизили наказание

Приговор или расправа: апелляционная коллегия Мосгорсуда оставила в силе решение суда Тверского

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