Full name:
Gololobov Dmitry

Date of Birth:
14 May 1969



Professional field/official position/biography:

GOLOLOBOV, Dmitry Vladimirovich (b. 1969) is a Russian lawyer, former head of the legal department of Yukos Oil Company and Yukos-Moscow, head of Gololobov & Partners. Russian Advisers.

Accused of:

According to the participants of the Free Russia Forum (which voted to include Gololobov on Putin’s List), he was involved in the persecution organized by the Russian authorities against the Yukos company and its management.

After moving to the UK in the early 2000s and obtaining asylum (due to criminal prosecution of Yukos top management), Gololobov, in the opinion of the Free Russia Forum and several Yukos top managers, started an unpublic collaboration with the security agencies of the Russian Federation and made a series of public statements against company executives which contributed to their politically motivated persecution.

Subsequently, Gololobov made “public disclosures” of allegedly criminal acts by the owners of the Yukos company, Khodorkovsky and Nevzlin, testified in an American court against the Yukos company in their disputes with the authorities of the Russian Federation.

According to the GML Holding, which represents the interests of the former majority shareholders of Yukos, the Russian authorities allegedly entered into secret agreements with witnesses, after which they testified in favor of the Putin regime. So, “with the participation of White & Case lawyers, the Russian authorities convinced Gololobov to conclude a deal with the state prosecutor,” writes GML. The proposal allegedly consisted in the fact that all charges against Gololobov would be dropped if he signs the testimony. Gololobov himself confirmed that the criminal case against him was closed after testifying, but stated that this had no connection with the testimony.

According to the Free Russia Forum, Gololobov, in return, could get preferences from the investigative and security agencies of the Russian Federation, which freed him from criminal prosecution in the Yukos case.

Links and materials

Лондонский сиделец: российские власти сняли обвинения с экс-юриста ЮКОСа Дмитрия Гололобова.

Дмитрий Гололобов очистился перед российским законом. Уголовное дело в отношении экс-юриста «ЮКОСа» прекращено, Интерпол не ищет «подонка», давшего показания против Ходорковского.

Руководствуюсь соображениями этики.

Дмитрий Гололобов дает показания против ЮКОСа.

Бывший главный юрист ЮКОСа дал показания в пользу России.

Иногда они возвращаются. 

Экс-юрист ЮКОСа судится с «Независимой газетой», написавшей о его сотрудничестве с обвинением и устройстве в «Роснефть».

Проживающий в Лондоне бывший юрист «ЮКОСа» Дмитрий Гололобов дал показания в пользу России для американского суда.

Экс-акционеры ЮКОСа обвинили Россию в секретных сделках со свидетелями

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