Full name:
Omarov Yakov


Executors, Law-destroyers

Professional field/official position/biography:

Officer of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow

Accused of:

Abuse of power, participation in political persecution.

On the evening of August 9, 2019, a participant in the July 27 protest rally, a director of the Doctor TV channel Dmitry Vasiliev was arrested in Moscow. Vasiliev’s lawyer, Tatyana Prilipko, arriving at the place of detention, warned the police that Vasiliev had diabetes, and his sugar level was 15, and in this condition, he would not be able to take part in the interrogations, however, police officers referred to the investigator Omarov’s resolution. Investigator Omarov ruled to arrest the director on the night of August 10 and to seize vital medicines and a glucometer from him. The attorney said that Vasiliev could die due to their actions. However, the security officer answered that he would not rewrite the protocol and the investigator said that he would not return the medicine and blood glucose meter if they had been listed in the protocol.

Vasiliev was taken to a temporary detention center. But soon, due to a sharp increase in his sugar to 35 units, he was transferred to the hospital’s intensive care. It is noteworthy that the investigators tried to interrogate Vasiliev directly in intensive care. On August 13, Vasiliev was again hospitalized due to diabetes. On August 19, the lawyer said that Vasiliev’s charges have been lifted and that he has been given witness status. On September 3, the Investigative Committee announced that it terminated the criminal prosecution of Vasilyev due to the lack of corpus delicti.

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Дмитрий Васильев

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