Full name:
Kirichenko Katerina


Professional field/official position/biography:

Judge of the Presnensky District Court of Moscow.

KIRICHENKO, Katerina Yevgenyevna was born on November 1, 1986. She was appointed magistrate of judicial section 317 of the Yaroslavsky district of Moscow by a resolution of the Moscow City Duma of May 28, 2014. By presidential decree of April 3, 2018, Katerina Kirichenko became a judge of the Presnensky District Court of Moscow.

Accused of:

Carrying out political repression using his official position.

During the short period of her stay in the Presnensky court, Katerina Kirichenko repeatedly participated in political repressions, in particular, the Moscow Case, criminal persecution of protesters who rallied against the government’s refusal to register independent candidates for running in the elections to the Moscow City Duma in the summer of 2019.

On July 3, 2019, Judge Kirichenko extended the arrest of Kirill Uchenov and Daniil Bondar, accused of creating an “extremist community.” The investigation considered them the organizers of the National Bloc, whose members allegedly attacked immigrants from the Caucasus. Lawyers and defendants tried to explain that they should not be in jail because of serious illnesses, but Judge Katerina Kirichenko was sure of their guilt even without studying all the evidence of the case.

In the first week of August 2019, Judge Kirichenko arrested four participants in the summer protests in Moscow. On August 2, she arrested 21-year-old musician Samariddin Rajabov. According to investigators, Radjabov threw a plastic bottle of water at a policeman Linnik and hit him in the neck, thus causing him “physical pain.” On August 3, she arrested 25-year-old Sergei Abanichev and 22-year-old Vladislav Barabanov. Subsequently, however, the charges against them were dropped by the investigation. On August 5, she detained financial manager Vladislav Sinitsa for a Twitter post about the possible future consequences of the brutal dispersal of a peaceful rally for police officers and their families. A month later, he got five years in prison. Judge Katerina Kirichenko also took part in the announcement of the verdict to Sinitsa.

On December 16, 2019, Judge Kirichenko convicted a human rights defender, a former member of the Public Observation Commission of Moscow Denis Nabiullin, sentencing him to four years probation on charges of fraud.

Links and materials

Кириченко Катерина Евгеньевна

«Злоупотребление правом». Как продлили арест фигурантам дела «Национального блока»

Кириченко Катерина Евгеньевна

Суды по мере пресечения фигурантам дела о «массовых беспорядках» в Москве

Фигуранту «московского дела» Владиславу Синице дали пять лет колонии. Он написал твит о детях полицейских

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