Full name:
Kaneva Elena

Date of Birth:
10 July 1972



Professional field/official position/biography:

Judge of the Lefortovo District Court of Moscow

Accused of:

Carrying out political repression using her official position.

On April 8, 2015, she extended the arrest of Ukrainian movie director Oleg Sentsov, accused of creating a terrorist community (part 1 of article 205.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), preparing and committing acts of terrorism (part 1 article 30, part 2 article 205, part 2 article .205 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as the storage and attempt to purchase weapons and explosives (part 3 of article 222, part 3 of article 30, part 3 of article 222 of the criminal code of the Russian Federation). According to the investigation, the attacks were the arson of the doors of the office of the Russian Community of Crimea and the windows of the United Russia party office in Simferopol, which led to zero victims. According to the defense, Sentsov and other defendants were severely tortured to give a confession.

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