Full name:
Aulov Nikolay


Executors, Law-destroyers

Professional field/official position/biography:

In 2006-2008 – he was appointed as the Head of the Directorate-General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Central Federal District. Major General of Police. From 2008 till 2016 – a Deputy Director of the Russian Federal Drug Control Service, Head of Operational Search Department. Under the nickname of Nikolay Sofronov, he is one of the co-authors of the detective bestseller novel “Gangster Petersburg/Banditskiy Peterburg”, etc.

Accused of:

Collaboration with organized crime groups.

In 2016 an international search warrant was issued for him by the Central investigatory court of Spain. He is wanted under Russian mafia criminal legal suit and accused of collaboration with Tambovskaya criminal group, led by Russian criminal boss Gennadiy Petrov.

Abuse of authority and public position, disclosure of confidential information.

He contributed to documents forgery, influenced Russian law enforcement authorities on behalf of criminals. He participated in large-scale money-laundering, accepted bribes. Mr. Aulov collaborated with a major illegal underground banker Ivan Myazin, who specialized in money-laundering and withdrawing cash.

He also participated in illegal banking transactions.

According to Spanish El Mundo, he is suspected of assassinations, illegal trafficking of arms and weapons, drugs, and corruption.

Links and materials

Приключения кремлевского порошка: КГБ и кокаин в городе Путина

Николай Аулов: Генерал по кличке Ник.Ник отмыл миллиарды

Статья об Аулове на Википедии

Банковская мафия несет потери 

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